Pilot WA 800
The Pilot WA 800 series offers a large selection of guns for almost all job specifications. The guns are all fitted with adapter plates. This allows the guns to be quickly exchanged for maintenance purposes.
All wetted parts: stainless steel.
Adapter plate: aluminum chemically galvanized.
Stainless steel adapter plates available on request
Wide-to-round-jet nozzle inserts available:
0.5 / 0.8 / 1.0 / 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.8 / 2.0 / 2.2 / 2.5 mm ø
Internal control
V 20 820 03 . . 3 PILOT WA 820-ND: HVLP version
V 20 830 03 . . 3 PILOT WA 830-ND-U: HVLP version for recirculation systems
External control
V 20 825 03 . . 3 PILOT WA 825-ND: HVLP version
V 20 835 03 . . 3 PILOT WA 835-ND-U: HVLP version for recirculation systems