Rupp Air
Horizontal Heater with Single Blower
Constant Volume System
The constant volume 100% direct-fired make-up air system heaters provide a constant rate of supply air to the space. The gas flame in the unit heats the fresh make-up air directly, eliminating energy losses associated with other types of heating. For most applications, introducing slightly more make-up air into the space than what is exhausted produces the best results. A slightly positive building pressure assures the best performance. Some applications, such as the commercial kitchens, require more air exhausted than introduced to control over pressurization of the kitchen.
Two-Speed System
The two-speed, direct-fired make-up air system functions the same as constant volume, however provides two different air-delivery rates by using either an 1800/900 RPM motor or 1800/1200 RPM motor.
Two-speed units offer flexibility to buildings with two fixed exhaust loads or where an increase of airflow is desired. Units for buildings with two fixed-exhaust loads should have CFM ratios that match the available two-speed motor RPM ratios. The low speed is interlocked with the first exhaust fan, while high speed operates when both exhaust fans are running, allowing one unit to handle two different exhaust loads. Low speed is used for general ventilation and heating. However, if the co-detector senses high limits of carbon monoxide, the two-speed unit goes to high speed and the second exhaust fan turns on to ventilate the space. In regards to booths designed for painting and curing of paint, high speed is used in paint mode and low speed is used in curing mode to dry the painted surface.
Horizontal Heater with Twin Blowers
Constant Volume System
The constant volume 100% direct-fired make-up air system heaters provide a constant rate of supply air to the space. The gas flame in the unit heats the fresh make-up air directly, eliminating energy losses associated with other types of heating. For most applications, introducing slightly more make-up air into the space than what is exhausted produces the best results. A slightly positive building pressure assures the best performance. Some applications, such as the commercial kitchens, require more air exhausted than introduced to control over pressurization of the kitchen.
Two-Speed System
The two-speed, direct-fired make-up air system functions the same as constant volume, however provides two different air-delivery rates by using either an 1800/900 RPM motor or 1800/1200 RPM motor.
Two-speed units offer flexibility to buildings with two fixed exhaust loads or where an increase of airflow is desired. Units for buildings with two fixed-exhaust loads should have CFM ratios that match the available two-speed motor RPM ratios. The low speed is interlocked with the first exhaust fan, while high speed operates when both exhaust fans are running, allowing one unit to handle two different exhaust loads. Low speed is used for general ventilation and heating. However, if the co-detector senses high limits of carbon monoxide, the two-speed unit goes to high speed and the second exhaust fan turns on to ventilate the space. In regards to booths designed for painting and curing of paint, high speed is used in paint mode and low speed is used in curing mode to dry the painted surface.
Recirculating Horizontal Heater (80/20) with Single Blower
80/20 System
80/20 systems can be a variable make-up air unit, a total-building heat unit, or a combination of both. By recirculating air, this system provides the most efficient building heat system.
One unit can handle multiple and varying exhaust loads as a variable, make-up air unit using the 80/20 System. This system offers constant discharge airflow but varies the amount of outside air introduced to the building. With the use of the 403M or the 404M space-temperature control system, the unit can be a complete building heating system for either fixed or variable exhaust loads.
The 80/20 System supplies at least 20% outside air to the building and mixes with re-circulated room air at a maximum of 80%, without the return air re-circulated through the burner. A building-pressure switch controls the modulating-burner bypass and return-air dampers introducing more outside air as the building’s exhaust load changes. The varying exhaust-air loads automatically and continually adjust the amount of make-up air introduced into the system.
All Rupp Air direct fired systems are provided with terminals to integrate operation with the building exhaust system.
Recirculating Horizontal Heater (80/20) with Twin Blowers
80/20 System
80/20 systems can be a variable make-up air unit, a total-building heat unit, or a combination of both. By recirculating air, this system provides the most efficient building heat system.
One unit can handle multiple and varying exhaust loads as a variable, make-up air unit using the 80/20 System. This system offers constant discharge airflow but varies the amount of outside air introduced to the building. With the use of the 403M or the 404M space-temperature control system, the unit can be a complete building heating system for either fixed or variable exhaust loads.
The 80/20 System supplies at least 20% outside air to the building and mixes with re-circulated room air at a maximum of 80%, without the return air re-circulated through the burner. A building-pressure switch controls the modulating-burner bypass and return-air dampers introducing more outside air as the building’s exhaust load changes. The varying exhaust-air loads automatically and continually adjust the amount of make-up air introduced into the system.
All Rupp Air direct fired systems are provided with terminals to integrate operation with the building exhaust system.